Map material online & offline

Hiking maps & smartphone app

When travelling, we recommend using a smartphone map app such as Outdooractive ( This free app is available for all popular smartphones (including Android and iOS). Our GPS route downloads/GPX files can be imported there!

Due to numerous requests, we have created instructions for the Outdooractive app:

If you want to use a printed hiking map in addition to the smartphone map app or instead, you now have the option of purchase a PDF hiking map for La Gomera. An eBook with the route descriptions of the individual stages is also available.


In addition to the online maps shown here on this website, we also offer all routes as free downloads in GPX file format. The GPX file format is a standard file format for route information and waypoints. It can be opened e.g. with the smartphone app Outdooractive recommended by us (info and link:

Route download – stage 1

Route download – stage 2

Route download – stage 3

Route download – stage 4

Route download – stage 5

Route download – stage 6

Hiking map & eBook as pdf download

Despite all the advantages of digital maps, it is always practical and helpful to also hold a paper map in your hand.

In our shop we therefore now offer hiking maps in pdf format for download and self-printing (Link: Our PDF hiking map for La Gomera contains 19 pages. The map scale is 1:25,000 (when printed on DIN A4 paper). In addition, the La Gomera circular walk is already marked on the hiking map.

Also available there is the eBook for the long-distance hike: eBook (German, pdf format).


The PDF hiking map consists of sheets A1 to E4, each of which can be printed out on DIN A4. A day's stage includes an average of about 3 sheets.

The eBook with 48 pages is available in German.

Overview of all stages: map

All stages are also available as a download in GPX format for use in combination with a suitable smartphone app or an outdoor GPS device. Click here for file downloads.