If you are planning a long-distance hike individually, you usually cannot avoid having to carry all your luggage in a hiking backpack. For long-distance hikes on La Gomera, however, there is now the option of booking individual luggage transport by taxi!
At this point, many thanks to Sigrid, who did excellent research and was the first to try it out (see Sigrid's detailed comment)!
If you plan accordingly, luggage transport by taxi is only necessary on three out of six days. Tour planning works like this:
- On the first day: travel by bus (luggage included) directly to Valle Gran Rey. There you will stay 2 nights in a row.
- From Valle Gran Rey, stage 1 is either hiked normally or backwards/uphill (bus journey with line 1, see here)
- Stage 2 follows the next day. Return by bus to Valle Gran Rey.
- The trip to the starting point of stage 3 is by taxi, which then takes the luggage to Vallehermoso.
- On stages 4 and 5, the luggage will be transported by taxi.
- Finally, two nights in San Sebastián are necessary (after stage 6 return by bus).

Hauling your own luggage isn't for everyone

Book luggage transport by taxi
Based on Sigrid's research and experience, we recommend the "Goyo" taxi company, which accepts luggage transport orders via email. With "Goyo" I voted the following points:
- Taxi Driver: José Gregorio Martín Barroso (nickname "Goyo"), Email: goyomarba@gmail.com, Mobile: +34-690032362. Since Goyo only speaks a few words of English, it makes sense to translate e-mails using "Google Translate" (Link: translate.google.com).
- Luggage transport is offered for the following sections: Valle Gran Rey - Vallehermoso - Hermigua - San Sebastián (3 stages).
- Price: all-inclusive approx. 150€ for 1-4 persons for all three stages. Payment is made in cash on the first trip.
- Goyo's taxi company collaborates with other taxi drivers on La Gomera (especially in Valle Gran Rey) if necessary.
- The luggage transport takes place in the morning (in most accommodations the reception is manned throughout the morning).
- Baggage should be labeled with a name tag.
- Booking requests should be sent by email at least 10 days in advance. To reduce the coordination effort, the following template can be used:
mail template
Copy, fill out and email to the taxi driver: goyomarba@gmail.com
Booking request (booking request / solicitud de reserva)
Name and Surname (Nombre y apellido): ____
Number of people (Número de personas): ____
Mobile number (Número de teléfono móvil): ____
A. Valle Gran Rey - Arure - Vallehermoso
Date (Fecha): ____
Pick up time (Hora de recogida): ____
Pick-up address (Dirección de recogida): ____
Destination address (Dirección de destino): ____
B. Vallehermoso-Hermigua
Date (Fecha): ____
Destination address (Dirección de destino): ____
C. Hermigua—San Sebastián
Date (Fecha): ____
Destination address (Dirección de destino): ____
Note: We are not a travel agency and we are not an intermediary for taxi services. However, we are pleased to be able to make a small contribution to local economic development with the above information.
And of course we are looking forward to feedback and reports on luggage transport on La Gomera!
We're planning on going to La Gomera but just hiking from hotel to hotel for 7 days, not specifically the GR. Would it be possible to arrange bagage transfer in the same way?
Best regards,
Hello Jonne,
that is certainly possible. Just contact the taxi driver. It's best to do this by email and use Google Translate to ask him in Spanish.
I'm looking forward to your experience report afterwards!
Many greetings
Hola! Estoy planificando hacer el GR en las 7 etapas previstas. Para la etapa 5 que acaba en La Dama, cual es el lugar mas cercano para dormir? Se puede pedir servicio de taxi para ir y volver al dia siguiente? Que coste tiene el servicio de taxi? Seria para 1 persona.
Hello Dolors,
You are addressing exactly the right issue: I have never understood why the GR 132 was planned in such a way that you have to stay overnight in La Dama, but cannot stay there :-) That's exactly why I recommend an alternative hiking route on this website that leaves out La Dama.
The nearest place to stay from La Dama is about 13 km uphill in Chipude. Unfortunately, I can't give you any information about the cost of a taxi ride, you would have to find out directly.
Many greetings
Hello Frank,
Do you have any tips on where I can leave my suitcase for four or five days?
Best regards
Hello Günther,
In principle, what I wrote here still applies:
You should definitely ask in advance whether the hotel is kind enough to store your suitcase temporarily.
Many greetings
hello Frank,
I would like to go alone in march, do you think is a good period? where I can understand and plan each stops?
thank you ele