Hiking map & eBook as pdf download

Despite all the advantages of digital maps, it is always practical and helpful to also hold a paper map in your hand.

In our shop we therefore now offer hiking maps in pdf format for download and self-printing (Link: www.wanderndeluxe.de/shop/). Our PDF hiking map for La Gomera contains 19 pages. The map scale is 1:25,000 (when printed on DIN A4 paper). In addition, the La Gomera circular walk is already marked on the hiking map.

Also available there is the eBook for the long-distance hike: eBook (German, pdf format).


The PDF hiking map consists of sheets A1 to E4, each of which can be printed out on DIN A4. A day's stage includes an average of about 3 sheets.

The eBook with 48 pages is available in German.