Bus driving on La Gomera

Scheduled buses on La Gomera

There are several regular buses on La Gomera, the timetables of which have remained the same for years and can therefore be prayed down by heart by almost every islander. If you don't want to rely on it, you can of course also find out more on the official website (www.guaguagomera.com). The website is only available in Spanish. Unfortunately, the route there is currently only visible as a list of intermediate stations and is not drawn on a map, which makes it difficult for anyone who is not familiar with the area to understand the route.

We have therefore visualized the route for the two most important bus lines No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 here (as of December 2016):

Tip: For some time now, the La Gomera bus timetable has also been presented excellently on the following website - including intermediate stations and departure times:
